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We welcome anyone who holds balance and restoration as sacred and necessary who wish to join forces in healing our beautiful earth. Let us regenerate the heart of our land, and rebuild the joy of our community. May this world of regenerative agriculture be evermore a nurturing, collaborative and supportive space. May we all know deep in our hearts that we are home.  With heartfelt gratitude we thank all who have come with their energy and enthusiasm to lead the way. May regenerative agriculture be the new paradigm. May love be the new normal.

We Make T-Shirts To Raise Awareness

We Make T-Shirts To Raise Awareness.

As farmers ourselves living in rural Australia, we started to focus on the drought crisis in early 2017-18 as it began effecting us personally. We were seeking real long term, sustainable solutions that could have a high impact in reversing the endless cycle of drought. Our aim was to get the farmer, their families and their communities out of the drought better than when they went in.

We looked at what causes drought and what fixes drought. Our conclusions were simple but profound. Increase carbon in the soil (organic matter) and soil starts acting like a sponge that holds water. Decrease the carbon and the soil can’t hold water and that creates drought. Whether it rains or not. No carbon means permanent drought conditions. It is simple biology. And in 2019 our agricultural farmlands are almost below 1%.

Every T-shirt sold supports us raising funds to help farmers put CARBON back in their soil. And by wearing a T-shirt you help spread the word! So thankyou!

We Make T-Shirts To Raise The Carbon

We Make T-Shirts To Raise The Carbon

CARBON8 is a subscription based fundraising platform sponsoring Australian Farmers to increase the Carbon in their soil by 8%. Ending drought permanently one farm at a time, together. It is the only long-term, sustainable solution to solving drought. Buying a T-shirt or subscribing for $8 a month will eventually help Farmers update their knowledge and equipment, change grazing management, buy seeds, plant trees, protect biodiversity, in fact anything that helps get the Carbon back in the soil.

It’s not as quick and simple as buying a bale of hay or sending food packages – this is a complete farm transition and an entirely new education around farming one’s way out of drought. It requires regular and consistent backup for a few years –  It’s ongoing, long-term and has to be sustainable. 

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We Make T-Shirts To Raise The FUNds

We Make T-Shirts To Raise The FUNds

Now we know the cause of drought and know the solution our next challenge is how to educate everyone so that it makes cents to financially back the farmers as they march courageously into the future and transition to Regenerative Agriculture? Changing generations of farming practices in the middle of massive financial hardship is a lot to ask a farmer out on the land doing it tough. But without providing our farmers with the resources to make the change, drought would definitively continue and absolutely get worse. 

Currently not one cent has been directed from the National Drought Fund (of billions) towards replacing CARBON in the soil. It seems that SOLVING THE DROUGHT is up to us; the farmers, the foodies, the families, the communities, the students and the Australian public.

We ask you, Australia, to subscribe to CARBON8 for $8 a month or buy a T-shirt. CARBON8 Is the first platform of its kind in operation in Australia (launched in 2019) created for farmers by farmers who are all working in service to Australia and ready to evolve. This platform stands independent from government support or political parties. It’s a direct chain between the sponsors – the charity – and the farmers.

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